Welcome to the NFEC Family!

Welcome to the NFEC Family
What is in a name?
Newberg Family Eye Care is more than just a name. When Dr. Bury decided to open her office in 2020 during the pandemic, she wanted FAMILY to be the focus of the business. To Dr. Bury family means that everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religious views, or economic status should feel included, valued, and cared for. That is how she approaches life and business. Which is why a name without including those that mean the most and continue to support her dream, without including the incredible staff that shows up every day to help make the office run successfully or to not include the patients that have shown compassion, understanding, and appreciation - would be to misrepresent what our office is about.
What makes NFEC different than other eye doctors?
Dr. Bury has been a patient longer than she has been a doctor. She was diagnosed with AML Leukemia at 22 years old and received a bone marrow transplant from a complete stranger. Her cancer journey has greatly humbled her and has significantly impacted her life and the way she practices. She believes the best doctors are those that listen. Vision is unique in that it is fully subjective something she feels listening and teaching patients about their eyes is the only way to get the best prescription/diagnosis. Dr. Bury knows first hand the frustrations patients can have and works hard to minimize these by listening, spending time, and educating patients on their eyes/vision.

Meet the Doctor
Personalized and Passionate Eye Care